Kreativausbeutung für Greenwashing? – „What else?“
Über (und gegen) Nespressos „A Second Life“-Kampagne
Der Müllberg von Problemen, der mit Nespresso-Kaffeekapseln einhergeht, ist gut dokumentiert. Hier in die Tiefe zu gehen sparen wir uns daher und verweisen stattdessen auf ein bisschen Suchmaschinerei oder einfach nur auf die politisch ziemlich uninteressierte und knappe Wikipedia.
Was dem Fass aber den Boden ausschlägt, ist das Greenwashing, das um die Dinger betrieben wird. Man kann gar nicht so viele billig aussehende Accessoires basteln, wie Nespresso-Kaffee gesoffen wird. Das dachte sich auch Nestlé und ist in eine perfide Offensive gegangen. Der größe (und damit auch milliardenschwere) Lebensmittelkonzern der Welt warf der Internetplattform Jovoto, die freischaffende Werber, Grafiker und Designer an Unternehmen vermittelt, ein paar Peanuts hin. Das Ziel: „Designe ein cleveres und nützliches Produkt aus Sekundäraluminium, das den Wert und die Vielseitigkeit des Materials demonstriert.“
Nespressos Greenwashing-Konzept scheint ungefähr so: Hey, wenn die ganze Zeit über das geile, recyclete Sekundäraluminium geredet wird, fällt gar nicht mehr auf, dass die Kapseln hauptsächlich aus feinstem, frisch-abgebautem Primäraluminium sind! Und wenn ganz oft „unendlich oft recyclebar“ gesagt wird, vergessen alle ganz schnell, dass das Konzept Müllvermeidung ja auch existiert! Und Aluminiumrecycling natürlich Energie kostet. Nebenbei erwähnen wir noch die 100%-Recyclingkapazität der Kapseln – so fällt gar nicht mehr auf, dass wir keine Ahnung davon haben, wie viele Kapseln in Deutschland tatsächlich recyclet werden (oder in anderen Ländern ohne „Grünen Punkt“). Und überhaupt braucht die deutsche Sekundäraluminiumindustrie die Kapseln ja! Deren Bedarf ist noch lange nicht gedeckt. Mehr Nespresso-Kapseln = mehr Recycling = mehr Umweltschutz. Ha, das klingt dann so, als würde Nestlé noch was richtig Gutes tun.
Aber was machen wir mit dem Problem, dass diese Aluminiumrecycle-Industrie nur langweilige Sachen für das Bauwesen oder im Automobilbereich herstellt? Das hat ja nicht viel mit dem Nespresso-Image zu tun…
Kreative! Kreative müssen her! So coole internationale Designer! Am besten in einem Wettbewerb! Dann muss sich unsere eigene sozialversicherte Kreativabteilung keine Gedanken mehr machen. Das spart vielleicht sogar Personalkosten. Das steigert den Gewinn! Und weil es ja ein „Wettbewerb“ ist bekommen wir gute Ideen für sehr viel weniger Geld. Das steigert den Gewinn! Und Zugang zu den nicht gewinnenden Ideen bekommen wir auch noch! Für umme! Die können wir später mal nutzen! Das steigert den Gewinn! Und wir können das alles in den CSR-Bericht schreiben: Nachhaltigkeit + Kreativwirtschaft = winwinwinwin! Und diese Kreativen sind auch noch alle in unserer Zielgruppe! Und sehen, dass Nespresso sich wirklich Mühe gibt! Und kaufen sich dann auch eine Maschine – winwinwinwin! Und natürlich die Öffentlichkeit – winwinwinwin!
Um Nespresso zu „unterstützen“, haben auch wir uns ein paar „clevere und nützliche Produkte aus Sekundäraluminium“ überlegt. Helft uns, diese an die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen! Ihr könnt alle Texte und Bilder frei verwenden. Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch eigene Ideen?
Wie man die cleveren und nützlichen Produkte sicher bei Jovoto hochladen kann, erklären wir weiter unten, jetzt erstmal zu den Ideen – schon in von Nespresso gewünschter Sprache und Format natürlich – ready for copy/paste.
1. Aluminium Trees
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The idea is pretty straightforward: The extraction of bauxite (main precursor of aluminium) demands a lot of land. Hence, trees get chopped and/or burned in order to make room for bauxite mines. It would though only be fair to replace these trees; why not by secondary aluminium?
What makes your product bold and innovative?
It is always assumed that the preservation of the natural flora is always the best option, but what if artificial trees could be way more efficient then their natural counterpart? Aluminium trees are more resistant in the case of storms (consider, in the prospect of climate change the amount and intensity of storms is said to increase considerably), they don’t burn so easily in fires, they don’t need water, etc. Just imagine how beautiful they would look in winter covered in snow. They could at least serve as Christmas trees.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
Pretty much everyone. It is for all the people that go for walks in the forest once in a while.
Why is secondary aluminum the perfect material for your idea?
Because it is more stable, fire resistant and shiny as natural trees.
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Everything used is public domain, except: – By User:VargaA (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.
2. Aluminium tombstones
Workers in bauxite (main precursor of aluminium) mines are often exposed to heavy machinery, noise, dust and high tropical temperatures. It goes without saying that this work comes with certain health hazards such as heavy injuries, cancer and a variety of lung problems. One day all miners will die eventually. It will then be hard to tell, whether they would have lived longer, if they would have had another job. After all we will all die one day. Anyway, dead miners need tombstones (at least those that choose to be buried). Secondary aluminium would be the perfect material therefore.
What makes your product bold and innovative?
It closes the circle of the value creation chain. While the miners have accompanied the aluminium in its first steps, the aluminium is at their side to accompany them in their last step.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
Workers in bauxite mines.
Why is secondary aluminium the perfect material for your idea?
The idea here is to give something back to those that for years now have been at heart of the aluminium production. What could possibly be more fitting then paying them their last respects with secondary aluminium?
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3. Aluminium Villages
The extraction and processing of bauxite (main precursor of aluminium) demands a lot of land and energy. In some cases huge dams are build, specifically to produce power for the aluminium-smelters. Naturally this sometimes conflicts with populations and settlements. The obvious course of actions in those cases is of a course a relocation of those populations. As a trade-off to their loss, entire villages made of secondary aluminium could be build for them in more convenient locations.
What makes your product bold and innovative?
It is a classic win-win situation. The aluminium industry gets easy access to the land they need, while the relocated villagers get modern badass aluminium huts in return.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
The relocated population in mining areas
Why is secondary aluminium the perfect material for your idea?
During the bauxite mining, the construction of dams, the aluminium production and the relocation of populations that goes with it, aluminium is the ultimate goal and outcome. Thus, this same product in recycled form would be the perfect solution to some minor production inherent issues, such as population displacement.
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4. The capsule dustbin
Sure, aluminium coffee capsules can be recycled. But there will still always be more new capsules to come. In order to gather them neatly for recycling purposes, I suggest a designer dustbin made out of secondary aluminium with holes in it, just the perfect size for the capsules to fit in.
What makes your product bold and innovative?
The irony of having a product that only serves to build this same product.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
Anyone with a capsule-based coffee machine
Why is secondary aluminium the perfect material for your idea?
It will be secondary aluminium surrounding primary aluminium. It will be the first step in primary aluminium’s recycling process; a sort of a forecast to what it will become.
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5. Aluminium Greenwash award trophy
The non-governmental organisation CorpWatch gives out bimonthly Greenwash awards to corporations that put more money, time and energy into slick PR campaigns aimed at promoting their eco-friendly images, than they do to actually protecting the environment. Wouldn’t it make perfect sense, if these awards would be materialized in a trophy made out of secondary aluminum from coffee capsules? You see, because one will always need energy and land consuming primary aluminum production in order to produce coffee capsules, in order to produce secondary aluminum out of coffee capsules.
What makes your product bold and innovative?
Mainly, the twist that the Greenwash award trophy would itself be the product of a greenwashing campaign.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
corporations that put more money, time and energy into slick PR campaigns aimed at promoting their eco-friendly images, than they do to actually protecting the environment.
Why is secondary aluminium the perfect material for your idea?
Because it is shiny and not to heavy, a perfect combination for companies having a bigger collection of Greenwash awards.
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6. Aluminium “Che Guevara” posters
We all know and love the posters picturing the Argentinean revolutionist Che Guevara. A perfect example of an ideal exploited by capitalist interest. Now, why shouldn’t a poster picturing Che Guevara be made out of secondary aluminium?
What makes your product bold and innovative?
It is a great combination between exploiting social ideals on the one hand and ecological ideas on the other hand for economic purposes.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
Hypocritical revolutionists (and/or ecologists for that matter) and teenagers that just don’t know better
Why is secondary aluminium the perfect material for your idea?
Iron would just be too heavy to hang it on the wall, secondary aluminium is clearly the better choice.
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7. Aluminium old school espresso maker
Could you imagine anything better than a freshly brewed coffee out of an old school espresso maker? Right? (Except a coffee from a nespresso capsule of course) My suggestion: An old school espresso maker made out of secondary aluminium from modern coffee capsules for unforgettable moments.
What makes your product bold and innovative?
The fact that it is so simple and doesn’t need any capsules made out of primary aluminium in order to produce good coffee.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
Why is secondary aluminium the perfect material for your idea?
Because it is a great conductor of heat and because it isn’t primary aluminium.
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8. Recycled coffee caps! What else?
Coffee capsules from Nespresso and other brands are made out of aluminium, right? So what could be more useful than to produce even more coffee capsules made out of secondary aluminium? Hmm, it is hard to believe, that I’m the first one to come up with that idea. There might be a catch to it. But if it isn’t possible (or allowed) to make coffee capsules out of secondary aluminium, doesn’t that automatically mean that all future coffee capsules will be made out of newly extracted primary aluminium? Wouldn’t that mean, that it is just impossible to make coffee capsules in an eco-friendly fashion?
What makes your product bold and innovative?
It is great and obvious and obviously great.
Which target group is this product aimed at?
Anyone with a capsule-based coffee machine
Why is secondary aluminium the perfect material for your idea?
Yeah, why isn’t it again?
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Everything used is public domain
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Danke, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen und ein Statement gegen Greenwashing gesetzt hast! Der Prozess ist nicht der einfachste (schon dieser Blogtext war viel zu lang!), desto mehr wissen wir Deine Teilnahme zu schätzen!